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Zoom Garan Released 09/15/2009 Price: 0.99

SKU: GM09IP001 Jump to this App in the App Store: Click Here

ZOOM Garan

Take a serious look at some serious art! -- It's not a game: it's better than a game!

Root Series No. 17, Garan ("Cathedral") by Junko Chodos, 1979.
Collage on paper, 25"x34"x.8".

JUNKO invented a kind of collage using tiny fragments of magazines, chosen for their color, hue, and texture (their "valeur") and picked up with tweezers and layered onto the work. Each of these works took months of meditative work to create, and the resulting original is more than half an inch thick. This particular work from 1979 is titled "Root Series, No. 17, Garan (Cathedral)" and it is 25x34 inches. The tangled roots and tendrils are assembled into a mysterious cathedral ("garan" in Japanese) and there is a path that leads the viewer from the bottom of the image into the center of that mystery! Follow it by zooming in the usual way with your fingers (spread them apart, or tap twice with one finger); and return to full view by squeezing your fingers together or tap once with two fingers. Move the image around by dragging with one finger, and then zoom: you can concentrate on any part of the image that interests you - and there is a LOT to interest you. Take a look at these screen shots: one is full size; the second is zoomed in on the path in the bottom center.