Giotto Multimedia
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Hear Topo5 Released 09/20/2009 Price: 1.99

SKU: GM09IP003 Jump to this App in the App Store: Click Here

Use your iPHONE/iPOD Touch as a portal into some serious contemporary art!

Hear Topo5

A work of art hangs on a museum wall. A violinist/composer sits in the gallery meditating on the work for three days and then picks up his violin and RESPONDS to the art with improvised music. Later, a cinematographer comes to the artist's studio and, while listening to the music, photographs the work in response to the art AND the music. In this stunning short, three master artists encounter each other in the art - and invite you to join them. This video is almost 4 minutes long.

The work of art is by JUNKO CHODOS:
Topological Deformations of the Cross, No. 5 (1987)
Mixed media on paper
12 x 9.125 in. (30.5 x 23.2 cm.)

Watch the way the musician "hears" the work and the way the cinematographer "sees" it. Then you can check out our related app, Zoom Topo5, and look at this fascinating work of art in your own way!